

Abstracts Book

This book of abstracts incorporates the work of many colleagues and friends (more than 50 papers) that have been evaluated by our Scientific Committee, and that make up the essence of this book. The oral communications and presentations of our national and international guests, as well as the round tables and workshops, make up a very active and appetizing menu, which we will taste during these two days of scientific activity, which we will enjoy with serenity and good work.

In the first year post-pandemic COVID, we are proud to remain the reference of academic and scientific activity in relation to the force, and continue to provide a forum for discussion necessary for the improvement of our professional field.

Continuing education is our flag and we hope it will continue to fly for many years to come.

Welcome to the XIV International Symposium in Strenght training.


Abstracts Book

After a year of uncertainty, of COVID, of not being able to be together to discuss and share, both knowledge and physical space... we are already here. With many doubts and questions related to strength training, but hopeful that we are building tomorrow. We hope to continue accompanying graduates and those interested in sports science, to humbly contribute to generate spaces for discussion and professional and personal growth.
We hope you enjoy with us and together with our colleagues from NSCA Spain, we can continue to share knowledge in this forum.
Welcome to the XIII International Symposium in Strenght training and III National Conference NSCA Spain.


Abstracts Book

Many challenges present our society, and one of them and not a small one is the study of physiological differences between the sexes and the increase of Science dedicated to women. From our humble home we put our contribution to help in this important task and increase that knowledge in Sports Sciences.
This year we are lucky, because will begin the I NSCA National Conference where we will enjoy impressive presentations and will be updated with our colleagues from NSCA Spain. See you at the event, enjoy it.